
Name: Ashley J. C.
Nickname: Blueberry
Likes: Swimming, Rilakkuma, San x, & Blueberries
Dislikes: Spiders, Mud, Scabs, War, & Innapropriate things (a.k.a swearing etc.) 
Pet peeves: People not cooperating! :(
Favorite colour: Purple
Favorite food and drink: Blueberries & Bubble tea 



Not much to do Today...  Except we went 2 Rocky Point and played kick-ball.
Can't wait till I get home...
Hoping 2 have some activities that I'M good at 2 do at iTeens...  
LIKE ART! :D Or cooking, which we kinda did. 
Gloria is writing her blog so go and read it...
Peace 'be with u' >_< Happy Birthday to anyone!

Just finished singing @ iTeens. Happy day!


We went 2 Rocky point again today but this time, we had a photo thing that u had 2 take pics of this like people jumping in the air, or something
to do with it... =3=
P.S.: My sister keeps saying "Ding Dong!!" :D :l


Is today singing day...?
Anyway today we sang (like usual) then we played some games (like usual) then we ate lunch, (like usual) and after-ward we went 2 the park and played even MORE games.
(LIKE USUAL) =_=  Anyway... 6 _6 Bye... =3=


We went to Rocky point today again. We went 2 the beach and a lot of people in my group were looking for small crabs. =_=
 A lot went 2 heaven... 0_0
There was a few new games, like a game called "Honey, if u love me, will u please, please smile? :)" Its hrad 2 not laugh....................
Another game wuz called Ninga. Boring - ish...................................... 6_6
Goodbye and have a nice day...

DAY 5 -Last day of iteens.

We went 2 Rocky point again today and had a scavendure hunt and our team came in........................ FOURTH!
I am really TIRED.............................. =_= zzzz... I will be going now. Goodbye and have another nice day.